
I See Kali

I see Kali on her sacred motorcycle breast-feeding my grandfather Bible in one hand Stinger missile on her shoulder and a reefer in the other your favorite oatmeal raisin cookie in one a kitten with fleas in the other a crimson dildo wrapped in Victorian mink in one hand a key to the president's nuclear suitcase in the other Aleister Crowley's Book of Lies in one and in the other the latest Vanity Fair on the cover a baboon in Giorgio Armani a pearl of Psychotria Viridis in one in the other a degree from Wharton School of Business stained with Ayahuaska the sword of the word of Jesus in one the Declaration of Inter-Dependance in the blood stained fingers of the other a bank-note from J. P. Morgan Chase to Vladimir Putin for $700 billion in one a South African miner's pick in the other an Israeli bull-pup Tavor-21 assault rifle in one a severed Palestinian head in the other a love-sick queen bee waiting in one for her drones to return and a golden lotus in the other every petal inscribed with yesterday's news while seated on the pistil your little pollen-drenched body huddles dazed and naked all finished asking every question and calling it prayer.


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