
Solve the Political in the Personal

The solution to every political and economic problem is personal. Injustice, inequality, oppression and war are effects, not causes. The cause is always one....

We are not full present. We are not awake. We lack one fundamental key to all these problems: awareness.

When one is full present, fully awake, the whole world is an extension of one's own life energy. It is impossible to harm any other person, or any living creature, for one is only harming one's own body. This is not a philosophy, but a practice arising from direct perception.

When one is fully awake, the greed and anger that leads to war and injustice does not arise. In the present moment, one has all that is required for complete happiness - this breath, this earth to walk on, this sky to fill with silent gratitude - and therefor one requires only the simplest necessities for daily living. In this state of natural simplicity, there is complete abundance, for no one takes too much, and everyone gets what they need.

Jesus taught us to dwell in the present moment: "take no thought for tomorrow." He taught us  to dwell in peace: "love even your enemy." He taught us to love another as he loved, and to "love your neighbor as yourself." He taught these things not because they are moral laws, but because they constitute the innate behavior of one who is simply awake, as he was. You can only love your neighbor, even your enemy, as yourself when are fully awake to the wholeness of life, and then you see clearly that your neighbor, even your enemy, IS yourself.

This is why we teach meditation, not politics: to bring us all into that pure awareness, that living Presence, where peace is the natural condition, because violence, hatred, and greed do not arise. A blade of grass is a miracle. A breath of air is a sacrament. To walk on the earth is deep happiness. This is the personal solution to our political problems.

My work is awareness.
If I am truly awake,
every breath I take
for all sentient creatures. 
If I am truly awake,
every step I take
is to heal the earth.
If I am truly awake,
my heart beats on behalf
of humanity.
Wherever I Am,
I Am with you.


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