

The world is a flash of lightning. You witness it, and you have no time for fear, or worry, or doubt, because there is no time at all. Time is of the nature of a thunderbolt containing the entire past and future in one perpetual moment of astonishment. 
This flash is birth and death, terrible and beautiful, uniting all in one intimate joy, who is the Self, You, permeating all creatures. You witness this instantaneous creation and destruction of everything that is, and was, and ever will be, in the radiance you already are. Nothing more than This is happening, or can ever happen. It is so energizing, liberating, ineluctably clear, that it requires no thought, no belief, not even an "I." 
But most of us are so terrified by it, we flee back into our dream of limitation, our identity with a fixed form, which is only a thought, rattling in our skull bone. The moment we are born, we flee. And for most of us this flight is our human existence, birth after birth - fleeing from the marvelous bewildering eternally instant lightning bolt of Love.


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