
Tavern Of Awakening

PRESS RELEASE:  Saint Julian Press is proud to announce that a new book of German-English bilingual poetry, Die Taverne des Erwachens, The Tavern of Awakening by author Alfred K. LaMotte, selected and translated by Otto Raich (https://raich-trauner.com/), will be released on June 28, 2024.  The Tavern of Awakening is a book for meditation; its poems invoke images and inspiration from across humanity's contemplative traditions. The translator is one of the foremost mindfulness-meditation teachers in Europe, who uses these poems with students as tools of spiritual practice.

'Poetry is the closest written expression to the Unutterable.  Translating a poem requires settling down in the silence of the heart and letting oneself be taken in by the subtle music of the poem. Otto's talent and profound sensitivity enable him to retain the soul of the poem while allowing it to be recreated in a new language.'


—Nathalie Delay

Spiritual Teacher, Artist and Author of

The Way to Reality: Tantric Yoga - Return to Yourself.

La Voie du Réel: Yoga tantrique - Retour à Soi


'Just for an hour, on a spring morning, give up being right, with all opinions. Instead, I let each of these texts take me to a place where I want to linger. The spiritual, lyrical language opens up images for me, thoughts where I want to rest in the presence of the eternal, enjoy the silence and carry this book with me as my treasure. Thank you for that!'


—Christine Mayr-Lumetzberger, Bishop, Author of

Bishop, Roman Catholic: My Path to a New Church


'It is a stroke of fortune that Otto Raich had the impulse to translate Alfred LaMotte's poems. For this modern mystic is capable of that great thing, of writing the unspeakable in such density and so essentially that the heart stops breathing, and only love remains - light upon light. To make this experience accessible to us without losing that density is truly artful and deserves great, great thanks.'


—Anna Platsch, Author of

God at the Hotel


'These poems speak from a deep, living spiritual experience, in a contemporary language - and at the same time in unison with the voices of the mystical traditions.  A very special, inspiring book - which can be a guide “in the wilderness of the heart.”'


—Ursula Baatz

Zen teacher, Religion Studies Researcher, Author of

Enlightenment Meets Resurrection, Zen Buddhism and Christianity: An Orientation

‘The poems of Alfred K. LaMotte speak to the deepest core of your being. It is a language that has its origin beyond the mind.  This makes it all the more challenging to translate these wonderful prayers, rays of hope and impulses into another language, such as German, without losing the magic inherent in them.  Otto Raich masters this balancing act in an impressive way.  The German translation also touches my innermost being and something deep inside me begins to glow and resonate.’


—Mishka S. Barnett MB

OneLife & CEC Publishing


‘Alfred K. LaMotte combines mystical depth of experience with poetic expressiveness in a unique way. His verses lead us into the mystery of our being and becoming. It is a gift that they can now be read in German in Otto Raich's sensitive translation.’


—Mike Kauschke

Editorial Director of Evolve Magazine, Poet, Author of

In Conversation with the Living World:

 Poetic Paths to a Creative and Meaningful Being


The Healing


This planet will not

be healed

by powerful politicians

in big cities

who spend trillions on

a global strategy

that never quite begins.

They also burn much fuel.

Earth will be healed 

by villagers who sing,

by backyard gardeners

like you

who walk more slowly

right here,

who feel the green

through bare soles,

speaking fewer words,

cradling each

others anger

like mothers,


the heirloom seeds

of the heart.

Die Heilung


Dieser Planet wird nicht

geheilt werden

durch mächtige Politiker

in Großstädten,

die Billionen ausgeben für

eine globale Strategie,

die nie richtig beginnt.

Auch sie verbrennen viel Treibstoff.

Die Erde wird geheilt werden 

von Dorfbewohnern, die singen

von Hinterhofgärtnern

wie Dich,

die langsamer gehen

genau hier,

die das Grün spüren

durch nackte Sohlen,

weniger Worte sprechen,

des anderen Ärger


wie Mütter,


die uralten Samen

des Herzens.


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