

May, 2024. The current solar storm is a purification blessing from the archangel of our Sun, under the order of Melchisedek, governor of the galactic hosts, who now irradiates your human nervous system with a trillion-fold beam of particles, scorching, transmuting the body, through the quantum alchemy of enlightenment.

This energy-storm is in the solar plexus as surely as it is in the sky. Those who resist it may feel like they are going mad, experiencing their own resistance as a frightening sensation, heart palpitation, headache, dizziness. The instruction is: accept and be overwhelmed by the gift of light, let it expand you. For you are space itself. You are getting introduced to your true nature. Welcome home to your Self. You embody the stars, your breath is a swirl of supernovae, your cardiac plexus an ocean of grace. What is surrender? To rest in the present moment beyond knowing.

Your task is not to know, but to Be. Drink in the effervescence that dissolves all distances in love. Become intimate with the very star-stuff of creation, both at the infinitesimal granular level, and at the inter-galactic level of the macrocosm. For you are both dimensions simultaneously. And this dichotomy is the discomfort that blossoms into wonder, into Advaita.

This solar tidal wave of pulverized light is what you are made of. Let go of the distinction between spirit and matter. Be overwhelmed by what IS. Out of the black hole at the core every proton in your flesh come waves of bliss.

Fleeing into any concept of the future or the past is futile. None of your stories tell of this moment. Cosmic radiation is a radical treatment of the deepest medicine, the alchemy of now. Be transmuted into who you are. For a little while every morning and evening, or in the terrible darkness when you cannot sleep, and you feel most alone, take time to simply surrender. Put all other work aside in these moments.

A silken lightning bolt from your sacrum to your crown roots you to the center of the planet, even as it unfurls its filament of courage into the vast spaciousness above your fontanelle. Let it spool you to the Pleiades. Beyond the nameless, perhaps one star is your own. Be tethered to that bindhu, that point of un-created brilliance whose ray has been seeking you over ten thousand light years. Let the old story of separation dissolve into a bolt of Presence, as your inhalation rises through the crown to the heavens, and your exhalation pours into the ground of divine darkness. You are the stem of the universe.

Entwining your mind with this ever so delicate diamond fiber, you discover that its silken cord is not just inside the hollow of your spine, but your body is actually inside its beam. In a dimensional quantum-leap you let this column of energy enfold you, build a tower of invincible beauty around you, and protect you from all fear. This ethereal thread is actually more solid than the world. It is your pillar of stillness, your citadel of peace.

Let this aurora burn the viruses of small thinking out of your ancient brain, along with every outmoded identification of race, tribe, or nationality. Let the starry flood of quantum particles cauterize the cancerous ego, flushing out your limbic system, your thalamus and amygdala, so that they may resurrect as embodied jewels of divine love.

Now is the time for humanity to outgrow its troubled childhood. The warring of the tribes - Israelite and Philistine, black and white, left and right, native and immigrant, socialist and capitalist - will never cease until we learn to interpret our scriptures, our wisdom traditions, as they were intended: not literally but symbolically, as a pilgrimage to Malkuth, the true Kingdom. For in Jesus' words, the Kingdom is not a promised land between the river and the sea: it is "within you." There is only one tribe, humanity. There is only one homeland, the heart. There is only one religion, love.

Photo, Tor of Glastonbury in the aurora, by Michell Cowbourne.


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