

Whatever happens happens effortlessly, like a cloud forming in the sky. But until the happening, my mind creates a melodrama in which "I" play the role of do-er.

"I" sustain the illusion of effort. It feels to "me" as if a great deal of work must be done. But when it occurs, the action occurs in its own time, as a flowering, a mystery. The mystery unfolds from deep silence, not from the chattering of the mind, with all its efforts and plans. The action cannot be called "my" action at all. In fact, even the "work" I did in the preparation was happening spontaneously in the present moment, without actual effort. This is good news. The good news is that all things happen effortlessly in the field of Grace.

When the body hears this news, it breathes a sigh of recognition, and says, "Yes, that is how it feels. Please, just let me dissolve in the subatomic dance, the dance of dust and starlight, one continuum without separation. My body is the world and the world is my body."

But the mind, on the other hand, hears this good news as an insult. "How dare you denigrate my effort and hard work! This event could never have happened without me, and a great deal of planning went into it!" The mind perceives the event in time, as the effect of some previous cause, because the mind invents time, feeds on time, and exists through time. Time is thought.

But the body exists as Presence.

The event would have happened anyway, without the mind. And the happening would have been witnessed with joy and amazement - not by a thinking "me," but by pure awareness free from thought.

Whatever happens, happens in the Now as a flower of grace. There is no need to super-impose thought onto the wonder of creation.


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