

Those who pretend to rule over us try to keep our minds in a constant state of political shock, economic anxiety, and fear of war, because when we are outraged, we are easy to manipulate.

The best resistance is to remain centered in the joy of inner freedom, without projecting despair onto the mirror of the future. The revolution is to rest in the heart. The radical act is to be present.

Feel the nearness of the Beloved in the warmth of anahata, the space in your chest where music arises from a silent unstruck bell. Where you are most hollow, you are most full.

That warmth is unfathomably gentle, yet its power is mightier than all the mind's strategies for self-protection.

Use this tenderness to heal some small creature right beside you, and you will heal the earth. Love is local, but its breath sweeps the stars.

(Collage with my words by Rashani Réa)


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