"The refreshing moon of the Buddha travels in the sky of utmost emptiness. When you arrange flowers, each flower needs some space around it to radiate beauty and freshness. Human beings are like flowers. Our meditation practice brings more space inside us and around us, so that we can radiate beauty and freshness." ~Thich Nhat Hanh
The Beloved said, 'Drink my cup.''What does it contain?''The ferment of namelessness.'So I sipped the liquideffervescent silence,tasting like the hour before dawn,full of thrush and sparrowand the ruins of the moonwith a finish of starless night.I tasted again, the black goddessleaping with fins of fireto spawn in the springs of my spine.A third taste, and I became nobody.'Now you know who I Am,' She said,her eyes spiral caverns of the labyrinthleading from temple to forest,freeing the captive heartfrom maps and signs.I gazed, beheldthe illusion of all distances,and fell into pavoninerainbow-feathered emptiness.Now I dwell in her secret kunj,a chuppah with no canopy,not even the sky,just the desolation of roses
where flames go
when you snuff them out.