Just 'O'!

"I don't believe in God, but I miss Him." (British philosopher Julian Barnes)

Be the river of longing that flows from the secret fountain of O to the ocean of namelessness. No need to say, O Jesus: Just O! is enough. Prayer happens first, then God. Give up beads and words: the Lord is not an echo. Be the troubled water where that river becomes this sea. Why stand on the shore, measuring such vastness in a cup? Throw your cup into the waves, then dive in with your whole body. If you take a boat, remember to quit rowing when the wind hits your sail. Don't be a candle at noon. You might say, "I'm sorry," but never, "I forgive you." Such a breath adds nothing to the whirlwind that cleansed us before we were born. As for, "Thank you," that too is illusion. Anyone who gives you even the smallest sip of water is God, and God is already drunk with gratitude.

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