
We grow in circles, not steps. Nature knows no Level 1 or Level 2, no higher plane or lower plane, no straight line, no narrow path. Only circle & curve, gathering & return. We expand, we vibrate, we ripple. As warm sun opens us up, roots go down & tangled branches spread in all directions. Let's not stand in line: let's dance! Let's not join a movement: just move!

* When the spiritual family becomes 'the movement'...

* When the circle becomes a hierarchy...

* When relationships of power replace friendships of care...

* When bubbling springs of truth are pasteurized & canned in dogma...

* When those who claim to know speak code, & words of the heart must be proven by science...

* When a bow replaces a smile, and you say 'Master' instead of 'Friend'...

* When the Companion who walked beside you becomes a glittering celebrity on a distant stage...

* When you can no longer enter the guru's presence without a title, or the sanction of lieutenants...

* When the natural breath of a simple practice becomes a ladder of initiations...

* When the living room wherever you happen to be is not enough, & you need a temple, a mansion, an institution...

* When increasing membership is more important than deepening community...

* When fund-raising replaces consciousness-raising...

* When it no longer feels like a home...



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