Mighty Fallen

"How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished!"*

We were the world's only superpower; our bombs were smart.

Our enemies quaked with shock and awe; war was a card game called, The 52 Most Wanted.

Patriotism was a yellow ribbon; our president had moral clarity; he solved our problems with a tax cut.

His mission was accomplished: he left no child behind.

"We will win their hearts and minds; they will greet us as liberators, waving flags."

"Democracy will break out like Spring, and the war will pay for itself."

But America needs humility more than triumph.

"Pride goes before destruction, an arrogant spirit before a fall." º

* (1 Samuel 1:19)
º (Proverbs 16:18)

(A prose version of this was published in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

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