Moth & Flame

"I" call on the Lord as Christ or Krishna, Amita Buddha or Mother Divine, but the Lord already dwells within me as "Am."
The thought of  "I" is a moth that dances around the flame of  "Am." Some teach that "I" should be annihilated in the flame. But why this violence against my intrinsic playfulness?
Why not just let the moth dance with the Beloved, knowing the moth as a moth and the flame as the flame? Delusion only happens when I confuse them, identifying the winged dance of "I" as my eternal Radiance.
I Am both moth and flame: playfulness and liberation.


Mystic Meandering said…
"I am both moth and flame: playfulness and liberation." Yes! Both "The Beloved" manifesting in different forms... All the same Essence... No need to get get rid of the personal "me" - It's all Radiant :)

I love your blog! It's a delight to read. Christine
AKL said…
Thanks so much. I love yours also and am now following it.

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