Become the Seed

Sugar from the cane sweetens a thousand dishes, yet the cane grows from a seed that has no sweetness, no taste at all. Transcendental Deep Meditation does not taste like fruit because it takes you to the seed. And that is why so many who crave sweets reject such an effortless yet profound meditation.

They do not understand that, entering into transcendental silence, one goes beyond sweet and bitter, light and dark, pleasant and unpleasant. One enters the absolute Source of creation, where all possibilities are concentrated into pure Truth, pure Being, pure Consciousness, the way all the branches, flowers and fruits of the sugar cane plant are concentrated in a hidden seed.

The turiya state of awareness, as explained in the Upanishads, is beyond waking, dreaming and sleep. In turiya there is no experience whatsoever, because there is no experiencer. There is no subject-object relationship because there are not two. There is absolutely no relativity.

Yet emerging from meditation, the mind sparkles with sweetness, the senses are charged with beauty, love radiates from the heart. Become the seed, then blossom.

Jai Guru Dev.

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