Solar Flare

Auspicious the day when a massive coronal ejection shaped like a sperm streams from the Sun and shatters into billions of holographic images of the Father in our Earth's ionosphere, a single bindhu of which pierces my heart through a breath of wonder, wiping away 10,000 ancient hierarchies of fear.

Auspicious the day when, pregnant with light, the moon infuses the mind with peace, cooling the eye of wisdom.

Auspicious the day when the Mother of the planets inflames the solar plexus with joy, irradiating flesh with golden splendor. Let each cell of my body be the holy grail, a cauldron overflowing with the nectar of devotion to every form of the Goddess  - Kali Maria, Hochma Sophia, Isis Osun, Dana Rhuu!

Let each photon of light be Lord Shiva, streaming to the earth from the stars, surrendering, dissolving in love for the Shakti of loam and fungal spore. I will root my neurons like lightning to the sky; I will plant my toes in the luscious muck of the Holy Spirit.

Neither monk or pundit, non-dualist or yogi, nor even a pious soul, I am a hairy mammal crying to Mother for milk.

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