Surrender to Wholeness

Beauty is the nuclear silence in your groundless core, where surrender and rebellion are one and the same.
Surrender to wholeness. There is no escape. That is the victory. Refuse to be divided. Immersed in the vigil of unbounded bliss, rebel against any
force that would diminish or entice you to choose one view against
its opposite.
For it is never
that one side is enlightened and the other is ignorant: ignorance is the
antipathy itself, the separation of wholeness into polarized opponents.
As ancient Gnostics taught, the Pleuroma, the Fullness, appears as a
dance of sygizies, paired opposites in endless sexual play, bursting
with dynamic creativity. But when we identify with "this" rather than "that," we lose the equipoise at the center of the cyclone, and cease to
be the dynamic whole. In the words of the New Testament, you are not one against
others, you are "panta 'hen panta," all in all.
Of course there are choices, but they are momentary and intuitive, never frozen into ideology. Therefor, revolt against every ideologue, every divider, who would lure you into the toxic but delicious energy of
blame and judgment. Blame and judgment are not actions, but re-actions. And re-action means endless entrapment in the wheel of spiteful karma. Know that anyone you judge is yourself. Then act.
Act from
the silence of the unified field. This is Yoga. "Yogastah karukarmani,"
whispered Krishna in the Gita: "Established in Yoga, perform action." Dynamically at ease in the heart, rebel. Rebel with the effortless grace of an exhalation.
Rebel ruthlessly yet gently
against those who insist that you are a group and not a person, that you are one and not the other,
that you are the Mother and not the Warrior too, that you are the light and
not the darkness, that you are the homeless wanderer and not also the
royal sage, that you are one color only. For you are all the
colors of the rainbow, and the transparency that lets light through.
You are dust in a sunbeam, and you are the sun. You are a disappearing
dewdrop, and the blue sky of eternity. You are the immovable mountain,
and the moving cloud on whom the mountain rests like a feather. You are
the passion of two lovers, and the liquid lightning of pure love
that needs no other.
Here is your incomparable dignity: that you
are a single human being. Yet your body encompasses all the gods. Your breath
turns the wheel of creation. The stillness at the center of your heart spins galaxies of unborn stars. The savor of your mere existence is the honey of the
Photo: Mt. Rainier, taken from my favorite walk.
1 comment:
This is beautiful... very kind and gentle... Thank you
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