
Awoke this morning with the clearest conviction that each moment on earth is a miracle, each atom of the world is a temple of beauty constructed by the tireless skill of countless angels, and each sensation of this human flesh, tongue, ear, and eye, is a sacramental wedding kiss of Lover and Beloved. Merely by breathing we are heirs to inconceivable abundance, and if we lack anything at all, it is just a little awareness.

Lord Shiva is pure consciousness, the eternal subject. His Beloved is the Goddess Shakti, the objective world, dancing in myriad forms of energy. They dance and embrace as spirit and matter, "chit" and "sat," meeting in the bliss of "ananda." 

It is only the veil of our opinions, this restless mind full of names and labels, shrouding the world in a gray cloud of thought, that prevents us from seeing earth as it truly is: the foreplay of the Divine.

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