Embodiment Means Dissolving The Story

When I am telling and retelling my story, I give precedence and authority to the past. I am not really here, now. I drive the story deeper and deeper into my psyche, until it becomes my very 'I' itself. The wound does not heal by talking about. It heals through revealing its own energy to itself as pure sensation.

When I feel my story in the body, the past dissolves. The story erases itself like a line written on water. It's words and images melt into raw sensation, pure energy, kinetic awareness, a whirling Presence.

The past has no Being. It is a bundle of beautiful and troubling images, names, forms, players in a story - but they do not Exist. Life only lives in the present moment.

If I am willing to feel my story, however full of pain and trauma, as present energy in my body, then here I Am. And I Am free, as dynamic emptiness, with no predicate noun after the verb To Be. Not "I am an American, a White, a Christian, Advaitin, Republican, or Democrat." Those nouns are old stories. They are not who I Am.
If my story is really important, why bind its energy in words and memories? Why not break open the names and forms of the story and pour their nectar out as a living oblation? Why not directly sense this imageless electricity in the body, as the body, right now?

To tell your story, you only need one syllable, one cry, one upheaval of "Ah!" "Hum!" "So!" Then dance.

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