
"By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all their hosts by the breath of his mouth." ~Psalm 33

The Lord is Shiva, which means boundless Silence, supreme intelligence beyond thought, absolute purity, and fullness of bliss. All those flavors are inherent in the name, Shiva.
The Word of the Lord is the stream of mantra, the current of sound emanating from silence to create the universe from its vibrations. The heavens are the inner worlds of intention consisting of thought-vibrations. From pure silence those thoughts arise as waves of creative intelligence, and from them the outer world of matter is formed. Yet inner and outer, heaven and earth, are the same substance at two different degrees of vibration. The stuff of the world is mind-stuff, and the stuff of the mind is silence in vibration.
The universe is the vibration of Shiva's own self-awareness. In Shiva there are two aspects, the still and the active. They are the male and female aspects of God. The stillness is the witness, ever-aware, while the active dances in creation. This dancing playful aspect of Shiva is the Breath of creation, and this Breath is the divine mother, Shakti.
So the verse from the Biblical psalm expresses the wholeness of Shiva and Shakti, their marriage, as divine silence becomes active, becomes the creative Word through the breath of the Goddess.
This is not only how creation happens, it is how meditation happens. Meditation is creation in reverse. We allow our awareness to follow the Word of God back into silence, and the Breath of God back into the divine Breather. Meditation re-creates our mind, regenerates each cell of our body, reprograms each atom with the luminous power of God's love. Meditation effortlessly takes us to the very source of creation.
As we follow the mantra back into divine silence, our awareness vibrates through ever more subtle levels of creative energy. This harmonious vibration ripples out through our environment. We become innocent instruments of Lord Shiva and Mother Shakti in the recreation of heaven and earth. Therefor, let us meditate regularly, each morning and evening, to regenerate the world. 
Jai Guru Dev.

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