
Jesus said, "You can't put new wine in old skins." Because, as the new wine ferments and expands, it bursts the wine skin. So it is with our rage. Rage is the wine of Presence trapped in the mind of the past. Rage is a vast heart bound by old concepts.

The zygies, or paired opposites, of yesterday's ideology - male/female, blackness/whiteness, East/West, Body/Soul, Socialist/Capitalist - don't work anymore. They only feed conflict. They are the archons that keep the spirit in bondage. It is like trying to carry the ocean in a little measuring cup. You have to smash the cup and dive in with your whole body, stripped naked of old stories.

When our living rage bursts free from the bondage of yesterday's mind, it transforms into a completely different quality of energy. No longer anger, but love, it is the very same energy in a new vibration, unshackled from concepts. This energy is sacred fire that rises from the heart, consuming all with beauty, a fire that creates what Is by destroying what is Not.

From the heart, the fire rises to the throat, speaking words of healing, not condemnation. Then it is a blue flame that emanates from the brow, bathing the world not with anger but wisdom. Then it is a fountain through the crown - O keep soft your fontanelle, and let its portal never close, that fragrant bindhu where your Mother kissed you! - sending out silken threads of wonder that connect you to the galaxy. You are the weaver of the web that catches the stars, greening the earth with the dew of their light. You do not await a new creation. You ARE the new creation.

Image: a mandala by Rashani Réa from the book we did together, called "The Fire of Darkness: What Burned Me Away Completely, I Became"

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