Love Is The Effect


"I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from your love." ~The Act of Spiritual Communion, liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church
How often we mistake the cause for the effect, the effect for the cause. We assume that love is the cause of union. If we love enough, love will lead to oneness with the Beloved. But the opposite is the truth. Union is the cause of love. We begin with union, and love is the effect. Our seeking for the Beloved keeps us separate.
If we plunge into the naked being that makes no pilgrimage and takes no journey, abandoning every prayer bead, dissolving every image of the white dhoti and sandals, every form of the Guru, or Jesus, or Krishna, or Kali, and simply repose in pathless abandonment, resting the mind in the heart, we fall. We fall down the stem of meditation into the hollow seed. That is the silence that answers every prayerful longing, for that is the silence where no question arises, the stillness where breath has not been born.
It is like a black hole in the core of the heart. It is the other side of loneliness, beyond the emptiness of depression. The darkness here is brilliant with the color of no-thing, an empty chalice with no bottom, no rim, no center or circumference. And when we have the courage to drown in this cup, it overflows. There is no Other here, yet the emptiness gushes with love. This is the mystery: the overflow of Oneness at the core of your empty heart, IS your Beloved.

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