

Learned this lying on the belly

of a big wise sleepy poodle.

I don't need any more information.

No more explanations of Being.

Just Being without the labels,

without the descriptions,

without the astrologer guru scientist

life coach priestess channeling

ascended master's pleiadean

seventh chakra hochma ayahuasca

jaguar shaman jive talk.

Because Truth is not informed

but in formlessness,

far beneath the tic-toc tide,

the twitter-waves of

man-splaining woman-splaining

left-splaining right-splaining

rap-splaining preacher-splaining

esoteric tantric bebop.

Let me drown O let me live

in the waters of the Unknown,

far beneath the waves of knowledge,

because un-knowing is the space 

of compassion.

Because that's where “I” dissolve

in pollen-sweet Ameen,

the bee hum amrit "Am."

That's where tears are born,

where laughter springs up

from wonder-loam, refreshing 

the parched body of the earth.

That's where my old beaten heart 

just keeps polishing 

diamond silence

with this breath.

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