Knowing Makes You Small

Knowing makes you small. 
Not knowing opens 
all your windows and doors, 
letting the wind blow 
seeds in. 
Some see the Friend
and suddenly pitch 
dirt-works and moats 
of suspicion. 
Those walls are made of 
the mind's chatter. 
But some see an intimate stranger, 
musky with kindness,
pungent as mushrooms,
who visits this planet from a world
deep inside the atom
of sod.
Why not give your breath away
and fall into dazzling silence?
From this moment on,
be breathed by an Other
who is nearer than “I.”
The Sun always floods us
with just enough splendor,
sending a perfect beam
for every bulb.
It all depends on
how ready we are to burst open
and fill the air
with the fragrance of Unknowing.
Listen, friend, this world
is a dry cocoon.
Soon it will crack and shatter,
spilling upward into golden morning
these crinkled rainbows
you've been holding too long
in your chest.
Give up certainty.
Just unfurl.

Watercolor by Marney Ward



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