
As you fall

asleep tonight,

do not take this

inhalation for granted.

Honor her like a royal guest.

Make a spacious tent

of your flesh,

for She who scattered

the galaxies

and harvested all

their clustered stars

has come to dwell

in the vineyard of your body.

She will pour the Milky Way

down your backbone,

anointing you with spikenard

from her fathomless

bittersweet jar of whimsy.

Let this exhalation guide you

to a moonlit door.

The key is silence.

Step through.

Follow her rainbow into the void

where wings of astonishment

will carry you from

death to death.

Your only hope is Presence.

Fathom the sap.

A scent of blossoms

from the arbor under your ribs

will guide you home,

heart widened

by a memory of stillness.

Let her lure you down

green corridors

and pull you into the seed.

If you won’t become hollow,

how will you be filled

with music?

Image from Gardener's Path

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