Ancient Breath: A Kirtan

While it is still dark

and the stars are still singing,

listen, listen
to this ancient breath,

this ancient breath.


While it is still light

and moth wings pulse

on the rim of the lily,

listen, listen

to this ancient breath.

At dawn and evening

listen to the unborn light.

Hear evening fall.
Receive this ancient breath.

At dawn and evening,

on the one who pours the Milky Way

down your spine,

this ancient breath.

The one who comes

at midnight

on silent wings

like the moon, like a hummingbird

to the garden of your heart.


Beyond the far

faint music of the galaxy,

listen to the darkness, friend.

Listen to the silence

of this ancient breath.


Listen, cleanse your soul.

Wake the sparkling grace

of the present moment.

Bow down, bow down

to this ancient breath.

Listen, listen
with your whole body.

Shatter your crown on the earth

and spill a trillion stars.
Bow down, bow down.


So’ham, So’ham,

this ancient breath, this ancient breath...

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