Look, Follow, Drink

Look for the ocean follow the river drink from the trickle enter the drop and there you will find the ocean you were looking for the mountain in a mote of dust the boundless light in the core of a photon trembling dimensionless dot of nothing containing trillions of unborn stars in the black hole of your whirling stillness if you understand this you are a peacock deluded by the beauty of your tail if you don't you're a raven of amazement flapping black wings into the void with terrible cries yet holding in your beak the golden galaxy a morsel of cooling bread you stole from the cottage windowsill of the crone in the ancient forest her face of roots entangled mycelium serpent lips wailing names curses blessings upon you hrim shrim krim klim as you plunge through the waves of sub-nuclear night in the pupil of your own Eye taking your first breath in this world.

Ravenart, multi-media sculpture in wood, metal, and amber by my dear friend Liz Miller

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