What Is Meditation?

What is meditation? Prayer dissolves into presence, thought dissolves into silence, asking dissolves into listening, I dissolve into thou. This is why Rishi Ashtavakra summed up all instructions in one: "Layam-vraja: Dissolve now." When infinity dissolves into zero, don't mistake zero for nothing. Thingless wonder contains everything, with boundless space for more. This space is pure awareness, where worlds appear and disappear like foam on the sea. The heart doesn't say "let us pray" anymore, but "let us play." We no longer bow our heads, we throw them back in the gesture of roaring. Yet no sound, no Word comes forth, only a smile which dissolves the cosmos. Now each particle of light is God, each wave of darkness is Devi, and we keep taking, no, receiving, our first breath.

Image: my landlady, Basquiat

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