Whirl With Me

What is Christ if not
the thrill of delight
in a single hair
on the nape of your neck
as starlight pours
down your backbone?
When the commandments
grow sweeter to follow
than ripening grapes
you may crush them into wine
as you dance to the drum
in your left ventricle.
Sooner or later a moonbeam falls
through the lens in the eye
at the center of your chest
igniting a blaze that
burns down all other temples.
It is very late.
you must wake up now
and whirl with me.
Melt the silver crucifix
dangling at your throat
and dissolve every statue
of the Buddha with tears
of diamond emptiness.
This is the hour to go mad
with a Love that blossoms
from the silence
where looking begins.

Photo by Bahman Farzad

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