Jai Guru Dev

Beloved Master, with every year and every day that goes by, I appreciate your graceful gift more. You are not gone: you pulsate as pure love in my heart.

They said your teaching was too light. Yes, it was the very lightness and effortlessness of Grace! When I received your gift of initiation, I received the light of all the galaxies in the universe and all the dark energy between them through a single syllable.

In past ages, such wisdom would only be given to a chosen few. But out of compassion for humanity, in the deep darkness of Kali Yuga, you were the master who gave the precious diamond of the Divine Word to all the world. Many who received it threw it away like a worthless pebble. Why? Because they believed outward rumor instead of the voice of the inner teacher.

Out of obstinacy and sheer good luck, I somehow survived, keeping up the simple daily practice you whispered in my ear so many years ago. And now I can truly say that this meditation has turned out to be absolutely everything you promised. It is the one unshakable foundation, the golden portal to the Kingdom of Heaven within, the opening lotus of Buddha's Pure Land, and the glimmer of Infinity in the silent core of the heart.

Therefor, like a little child I bow down before you and say these eternal words, "Jai Guru Dev."

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