Taking sides is the sign that I have not awakened from a dream.
When I am caught in the dream, I take sides. Just as when I dreamed, as a child, that a tiger was chasing me. Only when I awoke did I realize that I was both the tiger and the prey. When I am dreaming, I only fuel polarity by calling one side good and the other side evil. When I am dreaming, I do not end the conflict: I feed the conflict with my anger and fear. Therefor, if you are concerned about a conflict, the best way to help is to wake up.
Does a mother take sides when her toddlers squabble? Does she call one child her friend and the other her enemy? No, she simply watches over them with love, sings them a song, and whispers, "Fight as long as you must, children. When you're finished, I'll make you lunch."
When I am caught in the dream, I take sides. Just as when I dreamed, as a child, that a tiger was chasing me. Only when I awoke did I realize that I was both the tiger and the prey. When I am dreaming, I only fuel polarity by calling one side good and the other side evil. When I am dreaming, I do not end the conflict: I feed the conflict with my anger and fear. Therefor, if you are concerned about a conflict, the best way to help is to wake up.
Does a mother take sides when her toddlers squabble? Does she call one child her friend and the other her enemy? No, she simply watches over them with love, sings them a song, and whispers, "Fight as long as you must, children. When you're finished, I'll make you lunch."