Heart Rise

Our problem is not that Mind and Heart are in conflict, but that only one of them is awake. Most of us live by the light of mind, in a kind of night. We see things dimly. We do not see the world as it truly is, bathed in the golden splendor of love.

The light of mind is only a reflection of the Greater Light that shines from the heart. At sunrise, moonlight is subsumed in the glory of the dawn. So at heart-rise, mental duality is subsumed in radiance.

The average human heart is numb and half-asleep, merely pumping. We barely glimpse the capacity of the heart to be a master gland for the endocrine system, a neural complex richer than the brain, a holographic processing system that integrates and broadcasts information from the galaxies, turning mere data into love.

To transform life on earth at this moment in history, no technology, no economics, no political action is more crucial than awakening the Heart.   

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