
What we fear most is not conflict, but the absence of conflict. We fear unity.

Unity is not the suppression of conflict, or the denial of duality. Unity is the singularity of dynamic wholeness, a wholeness that embraces conflict and integrates every seeming contradiction. But we fear unity, we fear peace.

That is why war does not cease. War is the eruption of our unconscious, unacknowledged need for conflict. Conflict provides a useful distraction that allows us to avoid the fundamental reality of our solitude.
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We imagine a conflict, then we spend our time struggling to resolve the conflict we imagine. Our very obsession with resolving the conflict feeds the conflict with energy. Yet this conflict is not our real problem. The fundamental problem is our fear of being one, our uniphobia.

And why are we are afraid of the all-one? Because we are afraid to be alone.

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Are you truly anxious about the economic conflict between capitalism and the working class? Are you truly anxious about the political conflict between the 1% and the 99? The cultural conflict between indigenous tribes and the Western state? The gender conflict between patriarchy and women's rights? The racial conflict between whites and people of color? The moral conflict between good and evil? The metaphysical conflict between spirit and matter? Honestly, are any of these conflicts what you are really concerned about?

Are they not all abstractions, super-imposed by your mind on the concrete world, the world just as it is in each irreducible uncategorical moment? You project your concepts onto this moment, trying to categorize it's quidity, its whatness, trying to make this exquisitely unique moment part of your mind's internal argument. Thus you distract yourself from ever having to stare into the abyss of your true predicament: aloneness.

When you have the courage to embrace your aloneness unconditionally, there is no conflict at all, no duality to resolve, and nothing to oppose. What is happening right now could not be otherwise. What will happen in the future is blessed by dwelling fully in the present, without fear. There is naught but the naked unity of Being alone.

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Some insist that men and women are social animals. We are very dependent on each other, for sure, but does that make us essentially social?

The illusion that our deepest essence is social comes from an incomplete analysis of human experience. The truth is, our life begins and ends alone. Our essence is solitary. We were not born with a partner; we were not born as a community. We will not die with a partner; we will not die as a community. We were born alone; we will die alone. This is the truth. Have you confronted your aloneness?

The solution to all our conflict, whatever form it may take, is to embrace aloneness unconditionally. Then and only then can we radiate peace from our very core. Peace comes from know that there is no other to contend with.

It is not enough to say, "There is no conflict." You must dance with it. You must prove to yourself that the conflict is but a small flame in your vast radiance. Now you can dance with conflict, resolving it by seeing that the conflict is part of the wholeness that is already here.

* * *

We are all you.

No matter where you go or who you encounter, your experience of us arises as your perception, in your mind, through your awareness.

Your awareness is the fundamental field through which every particle and every phenomenon appears in your life. The other can only exist in you. You will never escape your fundamental solitude, no matter how hard you try to distract yourself by imagining that there are two. Your own consciousness is the seamless container of the cosmos.

Majestically alone, why not let solitude blossom?

This is your real work. The rest is play. When you do the work of surrendering to fundamental solitude, transforming all into one, fear is impossible. Loneliness is impossible. Only love is possible. You will joyfully embrace each creature you encounter, even the so-called enemy, as your own Being, fulfilling the great commandment: "Love thy neighbor as thy Self."

Here is a thought-experiment, a simple meditation:
  • What would it feel like, this very moment, if you stopped fleeing from aloneness? 
  • Would you survive? 
  • What is it that survives?
  • Do you have any edges now?


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