A Mother's Breath, A Piercing Cry

Love - Judgment = Energy.

Only when I gave up being 'right' did I discover my true nature - uncaused happiness.

Blame drains energy. Love restores energy. Love without blame IS energy.

The entire universe is created out of This. Om Tat Sat. I am not talking about a philosophy to believe or disbelieve, I am talking about the golden sunlight inside every breath.

Temporarily, this energy may take the appearance of anger, or sorrow, or intense passion, or intense pain. So what? Breathe it down to the bone, down to the darkest marrow of light. When we are perfectly empty, we discover that it's all pure love, a radiant golden void.

Then 'Christianity' does not exist. 'Buddhism' does not exist. 'Islam' does not exist. 'East' and 'West' do not exist. 'Socialism' and 'Capitalism' do not exist. These are only thoughts, abstractions, superimposed by the mind upon the dance of energy.

In this dance, countless soul bodies perform their practices, each unique and instantaneous. But there are no 'isms,' no generalities, because no-thing lasts more than a micro-moment.

There is neither You nor I. We are the dance of energy. There is no heaven or earth, only the dance of energy. No superior or inferior, no above or below, no before and after, only the dance of energy.

Our mind constructs 'isms,' beliefs, and concepts to contain the dance, hoping to understand and control its vastness. But these concepts become ideologies, ideologies become parties, parties go to war, and war is only the dance of energy, the very chaos we thought we could contain.

Hearing this, one may try to discipline the mind, to silence thoughts, or replace 'bad' thoughts with 'good' ones. But this is futile, for the mind is also the dance of energy. And every attempt to control the mind is the dance of energy. There is nothing but this primordial uncontrollable condition: the dance of energy.

Only one action can bring harmony, heal the world, and make peace: to rest from all concepts.

This rest is not control. It is relinquishing control.

Simply witness the dance. Not only the dance of the world, but the dance of one's own mind, and the dance of one's attempt to change the mind.

Now there is room to Be. To Be the motionless explosion of bliss. To Be the effortless encirclement of the unbounded. To Be the dissolution of all forms in the radiance of pure love.

From this perfectly empty condition of non-doing, performance arises by itself. Everything happens with dynamic efficiency and effortless grace. Not one photon is wasted, because all things are as they are.

A housefly lands on a crumb of bread. A breeze stirs bamboo leaves just after sunset.
Two eyes close and someone falls into the ocean of death. A mother's breath, a piercing cry. Two eyes open, spilling the same ancient light.

Why waste this brief infinite life worrying about what doesn't exist?

You could be useful. Wash the laundry. Take out the trash, very carefully. Listen to the neighbor's child. Leave a small gift for the deer.

Why not plant a fir, a hemlock? Why not delight in what Is, resting from all concepts about it?

Witness the dance, and radiate happiness for no reason. A mothers breath, a piercing cry. Two eyes open, spilling the same ancient light. Don't you see that all things are saying Yes?

Art by Jadurani Devi Dasi

1 comment:

Christine said...

Radiating. Beautiful. Thank you.