Krishna Jayanthi

Ah, today is the birthday of Lord Krishna. He is Shyama Sundara. Shyama means the infinite blue of the sky. Sundara means beauty. This is the birthday of unbounded Beauty.
But manifestation is play: true Beauty is unborn. The name 'Krishna' comes from a Sanskrit root that means 'the all-attracting power.' Krishna is what attracts us to the fragrance of bliss, like a bee to a flower. Krishna is the uncreated transcendental Beauty that permeates, yet is beyond, the manifest universe, attracting us toward union with Him through hints of beauty in created things.

Anything beautiful is beautiful because it participate in the dark radiance of Krishna. The form wafts a scent of the formless sky-blue flower. Music flows from the hollow flute. You could bear that musk. You could be that instrument.

Who is Radha. She is Krishna's paramour. Yet who is she, really? The longing for Beauty in your heart.

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