So Many Perceptions

So many perceptions
How can anything impermanent
be right or wrong?
Words like yours and mine,
better and worse,
what do they mean?
They are moths teased and sizzled
by flame.
When did you forget that you 
are the burning itself?
A flash of silent summer 
midnight lightning
is neither fact nor fiction.
The fat old fly
trapped all Winter between 
inner and outer windows.
Shreds of a used cocoon.
Burnish on an evening cloud.
Do we call this life or death?
Billions of points of view
float like dust in a golden ray
leading you back to the sun
inside your breath,
this thing-less light
reflected in every raindrop,
every tear.
And from the soft spot on your crown
a silken thread tethered
to the distant star 
of your otherness.
You could dissolve
this estrangement forever
just by being silent.
Now is the time to decide
whether you are the dust 
or the sunbeam.
This story of our love
needs no telling, friend.
The past tense vanishes
into a darker fire.
Fill up with the wonder
we must all breathe,
many moist lips on the verge
of a single kiss.

Gustave Klimpt, 'The Kiss,' detail

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