Nama Rupa

In the beginning, the Word,

names blossoming first, bursting

from the luster of silence,

then the texture of the echo

called into softness

through pastel incantations

of Columbine, Dianthus,

Pulsatilla the Pasque Flower

also known as Mouse On A Stick,

Japanese Anemone, Grass Widow,

Pearly Everlasting invoked

as Anaphalis Margaritacea,

Fritillaria the Chocolate Lily, 

Trillium and Golden Bush,

Dodecatheon the Shooting Star,

 Lysitichon the secret lovely

Western Skunk Cabbage,

a shout of April flowers,

cacophony of wave and trough,

ghosts of beauty, shadow-bright,

erupting from a frolic of quarks

into fragrant clustered photons,

the nectar of your flesh.

Photo: Skunk Cabbage by Don Elliot

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