Journey's End


The journey is over at this end of the rainbow.
The distance from here to there is only hesitation. 
You arrived before the pilgrimage began.

Erasing the thought, I am seeking, dissolves

at least three million light-years.

Andromeda floats on the jelly of your iris.

We're all star-clusters petaled in one calyx,
colors of the garden prism'd through a hollow seed.
We’re answers in the silence where
no question has yet arisen. 

But if we don't take time to gaze deeply,
we just call it now,
this holographic quantum bijou
emitting rays of past and future.

Pay a little more attention to the bling of suns.
Yatha drishti, tatha srishti.
As you are to yourself, so your world appears.

Between pistil and stamen, a trillion
pollinated nebulae.
Between I and Thou, a musk
so gold and pungent it drowns the drone,
arousing the distant queen. 

Don't be one or two.
Grounded in diamond uncertainty,
behold the earth undaunted, shouting flowers,
brewing, thickening her honey
in the cauldron of Zero

While inside your chest, breath kisses breath,
and a fragrance of Unknowing 
calls the bees home.

Water color by Marney Ward

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