To Rest In The Heart

Bewilderment is a form of grace. When you are bewildered, your mind gives up and sinks into the heart.

To rest the mind in the heart is the beginning and end of spiritual practice. This practice is very subtle, but not in the least esoteric. And no one should have to pay for it. The only price is your whole Being.

Feel the warmth in the chest, like the memory of a first kiss. Let your breath arise there. Ever so softly, your inhalation flows up as a cooling flame through the back of your throat, behind your eyes, into your crown - that tender fontanelle that made you so vulnerable and open when you were a baby.

This breath is permeated with awareness. Therefor it is completely awakened, yet there is only breath, and no thought. When the breath of wonder is full, it radiates into the stars above you.

And just as softly now, you breathe out. A glittering mist of Shakti pours down through each cell of your flesh, from your crown to your toes. One inhalation, one exhalation, observed in the astonishment of grace, cleanses the mind of stress and wakes up every particle of your sacred physiology with healing light. The moon makes love to every chromosome.

Why are you here on earth? To incarnate the breath of the Holy Spirit. She who was the playmate of God at the dawn of creation (Proverbs 8:22ff), She who sent galaxies whirling in their circle-dance, has come to dwell among your atoms as this very Breath.
Be infinitely gentle with each particle of your existence. Be wild. Be wildered. Miracles transpire in the realm of the Effortless.

Photo by Laurent Berthier

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