

As you fall asleep tonight,

keep falling

into star-foam, the ocean

of the heart.

Play in the wave-nature

of silence,

rising up, sliding down

the pearl moonbeam

of every breath.

Drift over phosphorescent

swells of Turiya, beyond

all slumber, your sail

billowing with "So'ham."

Sink into the froth

of worlds unborn,

no "higher" or "lower,"

no "matter" or "spirit."

Go where birth

and death have not yet been

divided into time.

What rudder, what hand,

passing through such

un-created waters,

could cleave the formless

from the void,

Tohu from Bohu?


is the subtlest art

because it happens

without you.

Now witness your waking,

not one moment old.

This is the first morning.

Who passes seamlessly

from the dream of night

to the dream of day

never sleeps.

NOTE: "Tohu Bohu," Hebrew, Gen 1:2, "formless and void"

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