Solstice Meditation


"Even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day: for you, darkness is as light." ~Psalm 139

I feel darkness dissolve into photons of uncreated light. Why could I not see it before? Darkness is made of sparkling finely granulated quanta, light made of velvet threads and particles of darkness.

I feel silence dissolve into a carillon of infinitesimal bells. Why could I not hear it before? Silence is the chant of our ancestors, the harmony of angels, the sound of Mary singing praises to our bodies. For every quark of us springs from her transcendental virgin womb.

I feel lover and beloved dissolve in pure love. Why could I not sense it before? Love needs no story. Love doesn't even need a lover. Love just wants to dissolve.

I feel how weightless it all becomes when I let go of grasping for an explanation, a correct view, a Way. When I embrace all by letting go of all, and I fall into grace. In an instant of surrender, just at the end of my exhalation, before the gift of the next breath is given, I feel the tiny empty bindhu that contains the wild unbounded ocean of divine chaos, where suns are born from the energy before the Word.

Here, there is no thing but Joy. Here, the mind can't understand. What is there to stand on? But the heart can burst with the radiance of the holy night.

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