

You are not lonely when you are truly alone. You are lonely when you hunger for relationships. And you hunger for relationships because you have no relationship with your Self.

If you have not met your Self, you are in for a marvelous surprise. It is like the Hamsah swan who wearily circles, searching for a resting place, finally settling upon its own reflection on a still lake. The swan thinks, "Who is this divine Swan that welcomes me to her breast?" not knowing that he alights upon the mirror of his own Soul.

"Hamsah" in Sanskrit means "swan," yet also means "soul." The Upanishads deem this sound to be the natural mantra of the breath. The mantra means "Aham" (I am) "Sah" (God). As in all true mantras, the syllables can mean different things at different levels of consciousness. It is the sound, not the meaning, that is important.

Breathing in "Ham," you feel the thrill of golden light invigorating your heart. Breathing out,"Sah," you surrender to boundless Presence, the One who breathes your existence.

Who are you, really? You are not this name or that form, you are "I Am." Who is God, really? God also is "I Am." You and God are both the diamond effulgence where the syllables "Sah" and "Ham" dissolve into each other. You are the oceanic kiss of sun and moon. Every creature is a ray of your divine light, a breath of your divine love. You mother the world, just as the frailest creature you meet mothers you. Through your incarnation, divine life streams forth, then merges back into the creator. Why wait til you die?

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