Gospel of the Dragonfly

Here is the Gospel of the Dragonfly, Sutra One,
written by the Gnostic Krystom al 'Akash about 50 years before the birth of Jesus. The Lord carried this little scroll in a secret pocket under his seamless blue robe, just as we guard it today, sharing it only with fools, for it is banned by the ruling archons of our universities and political parties, who want to keep us imprisoned in conceptual thought - which is why I had to access it in the archives of my own nervous system, though the text is much shorter in the original Romani script, where the meaning is implicit in a few intuitive pictograms that, once you get the hang of it, are easily visualized in your pineal gland...

Just as prayer is engulfed 
by the macrophage of presence,

and your question is digested
by listening,

I dissolve into Thou.
Rishi Ashtavakra merged
all instructions in one:

"Layam-vraja, dissolve now."
 Let 10,000 things evaporate
into zero,

but don't mistake the empty circle
for nothing.
The invisible moon caresses 
ocean kelp
in every cell of your body
even at midday.

Thing-less bewilderment
evaporates millions of suns
in the ever-expanding glow
of your chest
The world appears and disappears

like a bubble of foam
on the quantum sea of mind.

The effervescence of your own

aerates the night with stars.
Let potent self-pollinating sap
gush up through your breastbone

into the stems of every garden,
East and West
with luminosity so fine

it makes stones pulse gently
and atoms spin in the rose,
true to the infinitesimal spheres
that hold our galaxy
to its vow of silence.
Thus Rabbi Ishmael declares,
The mind says let us pray,
but the heart says let us play.
We no longer bow our heads,
we throw them back
in the gesture of roaring.
No Word comes forth but a smile
whose fire devours the cosmos.
What will be the figure of your dance
when you follow a priesthood
of lady bugs and dragonflies,

your scriptures are falling leaves,
and a single dust mote is the sign
of liberation?

What will be the sound of your name
when your body feels the tingle
of one photon dissolving
into Shiva,

and your waves of darkness
return to the Mother
from whose
womb you keep
taking, no, receiving
your first breath?

Dragonfly image by Lexica

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