40 Years of Meditation

I have meditated every day, twice a day, for forty years, and what do I have to show for it? Absolutely no thing! That's why I continue on the pathless path.

Again and again, I arrive at the goal shouting inane aphorisms like, "I got here first but I am lost. My entire religion disappears the moment I fall asleep. Sakyamuni won't sign my baseball. The sky doesn't need wings. Why seek improvement if everything is always just what it is?  The opposite of light isn't darkness, it's whining!"

To settle this weird mind down, I mainline pure air into my veins with a breath of compassion. Then I bow.

Bowing feels good. My head hits the earth like an egg dropped into unfathomable emptiness, making a sound like a gong in every seed and every supernova, bursting plum blossoms and birthing rabbits in the blackberry bramble.

1 comment:

shira said...

Light flows through you ~ a river ~ translucent heart-wisdom ~ thank you ~