American Exceptionalism

I believe in American Exceptionalism.
I believe no less in Palestinian Exceptionalism.
I believe in Lakota Exceptionalism.
I believe in Tibetan, Congolese, Cuban, Afghan,
Mbenga, Dravidian, Arawak Exeptionalism.
I believe in the Exceptionalism of the Wolverine
snarling against extinction.
I believe in the Exceptionalism of the Peregrine Falcon,
the Coral Reef, and the Amazon.
I believe in the Exceptionalism of every Four Legged Winged 

Creeping Swimming Seed-bearing Pollen-sweet 
Herbivorous Carnivorous Sentient Creature on earth,
whether Human or not,
American or not.
Read James Dickey's poem, 'For the Last Wolverine'


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