There are so many outrages in the world, so many problems that make us angry, frightened, and divided! But the original outrage, shattering the whole mirror into fragments, is the separation of I from AM.
When we heal this wound, we can begin to heal the world.
The first outrage is to 'other' our own source, to distance ourselves from our own boundless Being. All the pain that we humans inflict on one another mimics the original pain, the original sin, of separation from our Self. Why not return to the primordial relationship, the graceful bond of I and AM?
Our spiritual tradition portrays this primal relationship in the archetype of Madonna and Child. It is actually not the love that flows from another, but the love that flows from the Self. As a mother gives birth to her child, so AM gives birth to I. And this I is not heavy, not carried as a burden in time. This I is born each moment in a burst wonder, like an ever-dissolving particle vibrating out of the silent energy-field.
Cherish this momentary I as the child of your Being. I repose at the life-giving Source of the all-mother Am, in ceaseless divine Self-nourishment. Surrender to the breast of Self-nourishment is the only way to become truly selfless.
The Yoga Vashista states: "For the enlightened, the true relationship is not a relationship of I and Thou, but a relationship of I and Am;" perhaps the most transparent yet most obscure verse in all of scripture.
Jesus liked to quote the great commandment: "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Yet implied in this verse is a silent interior commandment: "Love thy Self." I am a wave in the ocean of Am, and I cannot love another until the ocean loves its wave.
In the Metta Sutra, Buddha taught, "As a mother loves her only child, so embrace all creatures with boundless compassion." Contrary to subsequent "Buddhist" teaching, however, such love does not arise when I renounce myself, but when I hug myself.
I Am. Am is Amma. Amma means Mother.
When Am unconditionally embraces this little I, in this very moment, the outrage is over. This is the end of blame, the end of estrangement in every relationship. In Self-forgiveness, the world is forgiven.
Why not be the Mother of your own heart?
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