
At the New Moon, Sept 24, begins Navratti, the nine holy nights of Mother Divine. The vibrations of the Vedic mantras chanted at this time, especially those bijas (seed sounds) that resonate through the nervous system at the quantum field in meditation, bring green energy to the earth and peace to the mind.

Let humanity drink from the well of Vedic wisdom. These mantras were not invented by men: they are the eternal formulas of creation, the very structures of intelligence that constitute Natural Law. Civilization will regenerate the threads of its golden destiny, not through war or material technology, but through the inner science of consciousness.

All things are poured out at her feet. Nothing belongs to me, not even this breath. From the sparkle of the photon in one atom of my flesh, to the choreography of stars at the farthest circumference of my heart, everything belongs to Mother Divine. Jai Guru Dev.


Anonymous said…
Fred, there was a line that spoke to me in a post called Honey Dance that no longer seems to exist... any chance you could email me that poem? I'm at

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