Sabbath: Be Without A Plan

"Take no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow will take thought for itself..." ~Master Jesus

If at certain moments we feel purposeless, wandering without a plan, why not repose and rejoice in the grace of aimlessness?

Our culture conditions us to feel useless, lazy, irresponsible in such moments. But those can be the moments when we come up for air, step out of the box of our agenda. Those are the moments when we become intensely aware of the tiny sacraments all around us, the countless possibilities for small acts of kindness. Chung T'zu said, "Many know the use of the useful, but few know the use of the Useless."

Today, the earth has woken up perfect and whole. You can wake up perfect and whole, just as on the First Day. You were perfect when you were born, what happened?

Someone convinced us that we needed a plan. And then we became disappointed, because the world never works out according to our plan. Blessed are those who still have the capacity for surprise!

Our education and our religion brainwash us to believe that we must have a plan, a meticulously crafted story about the non-existent past, leading to some definable and material result in a non-existent future. This, of course, is delusional thinking. 

But what happens when I have no agenda? I am the water that does not get caught in the net. I am always home, always healing. My Presence refreshes the earth, because there is no "mine" in that Presence.

This ineluctable moment of pure Being renews the entire world  around me. Instead of being dedicated to my plan, I am devoted to Life itself. Now I am available, response-able to whomever I encounter.

A man with a plan is quite unconscious of you when you meet him, unless he can use you for his ends. If you do not fit into his agenda, you are just an obstacle in his way. In a sense, there is nothing more dangerous than a man with a plan.

But when I am free of an agenda, I have no edges, I embrace you with the fullness of Being, and I playfully re-create reality out of this moment, for there is no other moment. I am here for you, and I belong to you.

Please, for the health of the planet, spend some time every day just Being without a plan. The Bible calls this "the Sabbath." In Hebrew, Sabbath does not mean "seventh day." It means "stop!" Whenever you stop being the do-er, you celebrate the Sabbath.

Even if only for a moment - stop, look, listen and Be. Be the Witness of your mad spinning cosmos. Be the center of the sunflower, flinging out your spiral of seeds and galaxies. You will be surprised by the abundance of creation when Life is your only agenda.


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