Breath Within The Breath
Honor your breath
as the Holy Spirit ,
and She will honor your body
as the very garden where
Jesus meets his Paramour.
Learn to age the wine of longing
in an empty sepulcher.
Thorns make blossoms at dawn.
Yeast your bread with opposites.
Let it get risen and delicious
in love's dark oven.
Pour yourself without a word
into the cup of desolation.
Don't fear the hollow in your heart.
It is pure seed.
You bathed in boundless power
before you breathed.
Is it any different now?
Each inhalation surfeits you
with un-created joy.
Each exhalation casts you back
into that sea of birthless night.
Wait upon the Lord.
His form is the very now
of your patience.
Some invisible Lover will fill you
with unspeakable light.
Sculpture of Mary Magdalene in the Mission Church of Santa Barbara
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