Gift of the Chrysanthemum

On this golden morning, how many miracles have I already missed, because I don't have time for the present moment?

I look deep into a chrysanthemum. It awakens me. If I could translate this flower's voice into words, it would be these: "Gaze at me and be healed. May your body grow lighter than the sky. May you dance with me in this breath." 

Every flower wants to share this simple practice with us....

Go into your garden, a meadow, or a patch of forest sunlight. Look deeply into one small creature. A caterpillar, a berry, a blossoming weed, a pebble. Look until you see not only the creature at whom you look, but the source of your gaze. Look until you are aware of awareness.

Relinquishing every image of the past, let one small creature guide you into this moment. This creature was created to awaken you. No old wound of body or soul can withstand the onslaught of its healing presence. The object awakens the subject to Self-radiance.

You don't need to celebrate this moment. This moment celebrates you. All around you is the kingdom of presence, where earth's humblest citizens are shouting, "Wake up!" Thistles, clouds, holes in tree trunks, even stones cry out. They flash from nothing into form, just to rouse you from ancient dreams and bygone stories. A morning glory, a mole, a spider in her sparkling web all sing, "I belong to you!"

How can you keep from bowing down and singing back to the smallest creature, "I belong to you!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful! Thank you.