Ancient Jar

Someone spilled the ancient jar of light.

It can never be stored in the temple again.


Don't try to keep your master's teaching in a can.

Bottled and sealed, even the freshest beans go limp.

If the Dharma gets packaged in plastic

and shelved at the ashram,

you'd better check the expiration date;

it has to say 'Now.'

Someone spilled the ancient jar of light.

It can never be stored in the temple again.

The vitamins of God dissolve in silence,

but they nourish your body in action.

For every breath you take,

give one to the poor.

And who are the poor? Look around you.

Everyone is poor.

Someone spilled the ancient jar of light.

It can never be stored in the temple again.

Each pair of eyes is thirsty for your gaze.

Your smile is nectar.

'Enough' has no meaning unless it is shared.

Fresh, with no container.

The Mother never gets hungry.

Her breasts are busy with lips and milk.

Someone spilled the ancient jar of light.

It can never be stored in the temple again.

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