February 2, Valentine's Day


Yet the ultimate valentine on this very Western feast of Aphrodite is the Yin-Yang sign from ancient China. It is the sign of transcendental fecundity, the scent of God's embodiment. All light emanates from an infinitesimal point of darkness, the male born out of the female. All darkness emanates from an infinitesimal point of light, the female born out of the male. How futile, how petty, to place one above or before the other! They dance in circled stillness and contain each other, the fertile tilt of opposites toward and away from themselves, neither One nor Two. Transcendental love of Krishna permeates Radha's musky longing. Mary Sophia is both mother and lover of Christ. Shakti the hollow in the seed, pungent with spores of possibility, the honey of spiritual sweetness in all matter. Today, dear friend, I promise you this: the void is a juicy pomegranate.

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